Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Art Class

So I've been hitting a night art class and since I'm scanning my homework for class anyways, I might as well post the shits on here.

Here is my thumbnail page. At the very last secoond I had the idea of just two hunters holding a large dead bunny in a ultra realistic fasion and the other was just a large gross obese rabbit on a morge slab. I was told the king kong themed one was strongest with the story though, so I stuck with that one. One probably can't even make out most of those drawings that well on here...

I did a value test, but I havent scanned that one in, so screw it, you dont get to see it.

What I'm currently one is the color tests and I was pretty indecisive about which one to go with.(still indecisive). Oh, if you want to imagine what the value test is like, it's like one of these but in black and white. I'll probably figure it out in a few minutes.

As you can tell, I just get getting more detailed the further I got into making these. These probably have more detail than they should for a colortest but fuck it, I needz it.
More to cum in a week or so. Shlaytah.

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