Monday, January 12, 2009

SHARK ATTACK!! (my reincarnated animal)

Who knows why, I was thinking about that old trivial question, "what do you want to be if you diead and came back as an animal. I finally came up with an answer..


fuckers know they're bad too. This one's going "FUUUUUCCKKKK YEEAAHHHHH!!!!" right to the camera man. Goddd daammnnn!! Looook at that shit!

Man, fuck yeah...That sounds bad ass. Swimmin along.. Getting all huge. I mean check this this out!

Fucker's teeth...have their own lil fucken teeth!!! RawwrrrRaww!! Is that some kind of joke? Who can say "Yo, I gots so many teeth muthfucka, teeth have teeth, sucka!" BAAMMMM!

Look at the fun little games you can play. Catching fuckers mid air!! BAYYYUMMMM!!!..Shark even looks a little bored. Like he's actually yawning at the same time.. man!! look at the seals face....OOOH FUUCCKKKK!!!.. should've leaped right instead of left, suckah!

fuckers are always smiling..look how friendly it is....Hi there know who you look like? Fine actor Tim Curry. That's not you in the water, is it, Tim Curry? I loved you in Clue, Rocky Horror, and Legend.

maybe I'm off a little bit...just imagine his mouth open a little more...I know i do...MMMMMM

Now we're talkin! SHARRKK ATTACKK!!!

I guess is there's any downside to being a shark is that you don't have that good mammal fuckin. I just drop a lil in the water and it goes on it's own into a female shark right? I guess I really don't want to be fucking another shark anyways. That shit can get dangerous.

Can't I just have a hot chick girlfriend? Doesn't look too hard. She's not gonna like it when I go down on, it wasn't meant to last either way.

What a fun little thought. I can't wait to be a shark. Guess it's back to work for me though. OK, one more picture.

I think I saw a lady in a porno who's asshole sort of looked like this. MAYBE SHE"S A SHARK IN DISGUISE! you have the costume on backwards shark!...or do you??.....very clever sharky...very clever indeed....


1 comment:

Katy Hargrove said...

Fuck Jorge, I can't fucking breath...dude. Someday, you have to just go up and read this on a mike.